बैदेशिक रोजगार बचतपत्र सम्बन्धमा
वैदेशिक रोगजार बचतपत्र_4z2lheo(1)


Press Releases on National Day Celebrations in Guangzhou
Press Release On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal, the Consulate General of Nepal in Guangzhou celebrated National Day Reception in Guangzhou. In his welcome remarks, Mr. Kunjan Shah, Acting Consul General, recalled the establishment of the Consulate on 10th September 2017 and highlighted how its establishment in Guangzhou was important for facilitating

Press Release on National Day Celebration
Press Release On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal, the Consulate General of Nepal in Guangzhou celebrated National Day Reception in Guangzhou. In his welcome remarks, Mr. Kunjan Shah, Acting Consul General, recalled the establishment of the Consulate on 10th September 2017 and highlighted how its establishment in Guangzhou was important for facilitating

Press Release On National Day Celebration in Guangzhou
Press Release On the occasion of third anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal, the Consulate General of Nepal in Guangzhou celebrated Nepal’s National Day organized in Guangzhou. In his welcome remarks, Mr. Dipak Banjade, Acting Consul General, briefed about the current constitution of Nepal and shed light on the natural, cultural beauty of Nepal. He stated that

The Consulate will remain closed on 2017 December 25 in the occasion of Christmas.
The Consulate will remain closed on 2017 December 25 in the occasion of Christmas.